This page applies to a previous version of kindlegen (1.2), not the current version (2.9 for Windows as I write this.) The e-book Chocolate Oatmeal Fudge is no longer available on and much of the content of this page may be outdated.

Using Kindlegen
To Build An eBook
From an HTML file

There are 11 images used in Chocolate Oatmeal Fudge and they are shown below, starting with the cover image.

This is the cover image, nothing to do with the subject matter, but an eBook needs a cover and a piece of fudge isn't very photogenic.

Testing the thermometer in boiling water.

Showing the 217 test value, 5 degrees above 212

This is right after the syrup started to boil and the thermometer was put into the pan.

This shows the increased volume of the syrup as it moves up the thermometer from where it was when it first started to boil.

The syrup at nearly the final temperature. It has collapsed down in volume to nearly what it was when it first started to boil.

This shows the syrup in the frying pan, with the quick oats in a measuring cup ready to be added to the syrup.

When you pour the oats onto the syrup, they float on top.

All mixed together, oats and syrup.

The fudge in the final pan before being spread out.

The final product, hardening in the pan, ready to be cut into pieces.

Kindlegen is the program Amazon recommends for building Kindle ebooks. You can download Kindlegen free from Amazon at Get Kindlegen.

This page is about how the ebook Chocolate Oatmeal Fudge was constructed before it was sent to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and how you can generate that same ebook on your computer with the files available here. Chocolate Oatmeal Fudge is now for sale on as a 99 cent Kindle ebook. I put Scout on the cover because an ebook should have a picture for the cover and Scout is a lot better looking than a piece of fudge with oatmeal in it.

The command line command used to generate the mobi file is:

PATH/kindlegen -c2 OatMealFudge.opf -o

where PATH represents the path to where you have installed kindlegen.

As generated by Kindlegen is about 439 KB in size. This version contains all the files that are uincluded in the ebook at the end of the ebook file as a zip archive. When Amazon prepares the file to go on sale for the kindle they remove the zip archive from the end of the file, which results in a smaller file size of about 214 KB. I downloaded the python script written by Paul Durrant to remove the excess material at the end of the mobi file, although the file I sent to Amazon did not have the zip at the end removed. worked for me running on Linux, and should work fine in a windows environment as well with python installed.

The Kindle ebook is published more as an example to show how to use Kindlegen to build an ebook than as a recipe book, although it is a useful recipe. I enjoy making chocolate oatmeal fudge, and I like eating it even more.

The mobi file sent to kindle direct publishing was generated from the files below using kindlegen version 1.2.

These are the five main files that make up the ebook. They are the structure and text content of it. The other files are the various images that are included to provide the cover and the illustrations for the ebook. The opf and the ncx files are xml files that tell Kindlegen what to do with the html files and the css files used by the html files.


In support of these files there are eleven images included in the ebook. They are shown in the right column of this page in addition to being linked here: The Cover For the eBook, Thermometer 1, Thermomter 2, OF1, OF2, OF3, OF4, OF5, OF6, OF7, and OF8.

You can download a zip file, Zip HERE. Or if you prefer, you can download a tar file, MakeMobi.tar.gz Tar HERE. Both contain all of the files that you need to build the file on your own computer using kindlegen.

You are also welcome to use these files as templates or guides when setting up your own ebooks to publish for the Kindle on Amazon. Of course, it would be greatly appreciated if you would buy Chocolate Oatmeal Fudge on Amazon to give me warm fuzzies that my ebook is being appreciated.

If the ebook is updated on Amazon it will be noted here and updated source files to match the new version on Amazon will be posted.

If you wish to contact me with suggestions or comments on this material send email to

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